Selected Publications
D Tylawsky, H Kiguchi, J Vaynshteyn, J Gerwin, J Shah, T. Islam, J Boyer, D Boué, M Snuderl, M Greenblatt, Y Shamay, P Raju, DA Heller*, “P-selectin-targeted nanocarriers induce active crossing of the blood–brain barrier via caveolin-1-dependent transcytosis. Nature Materials. 22,391-399 (2023).
Highlighted in: MSK News and Nature Materials News & Views
M Kim, C Chen, P Wang, JJ Mulvey, Y Yang, C Wun, M Antman-Passig, H-B Luo, S Cho, K Long-Roche, LV Ramanathan, A Jagota, M Zheng, Y Wang, DA Heller*. “Machine-Learning-Based Detection of an Ovarian Cancer Disease Fingerprint from Serum via Quantum Defect-Modified Carbon Nanotube Arrays.” Nature Biomedical Engineering (2022).
Z Yaari, Y Yang, E Apfelbaum, C Cupo, A Settle, Q Cullen, W Cai, K Long Roche, DA Levine, M Fleisher, L Ramanathan, M Zheng, A Jagota, DA Heller*. ”A Perception-Based Machine-Perception Nanosensor Platform to Detect Cancer Biomarkers.” Science Advances 7 (2021) eabj0852. MSK News:
J Budhathoki-Uprety, J Shah, JA Korsen, AE Wayne, TV Galassi, JR Cohen, JD Harvey, PV Jena, LV Ramanathan, EA Jaimes, DA Heller*. “Synthetic Molecular Recognition Nanosensor Paint for Microalbuminuria.” Nature Communications 10 (2019) 3605.
[MSK News:…]
TV Galassi, PV Jena, J Shah, G Ao, E Molitor, Y Bram, A Frankel, J Park, J Jessurun, DS Ory, A Haimovitz-Friedman, D Roxbury, J Mittal, M Zheng, R E Schwartz, DA Heller*. “An Optical Nanoreporter of Endolysosomal Lipid Accumulation Reveals Enduring Effects of Diet on Hepatic Macrophages In Vivo.” Science Translational Medicine 10 (2018) eaar2680.
RM Williams, C Lee, TV Galassi, JD Harvey, R Leicher, M Sirenko, M Dorso, J Shah, N Olvera, F Dao, DA Levine,DA Heller*. “Non-Invasive Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Detection via an Optical Nanosensor Implant.” Science Advances 4 (2018) eaaq1090.
Y Shamay, J Shah, DF Tschaharganeh, D Roxbury, J Budhathoki-Uprety, M Işık, A Mizrachi, K Nawaly, JL Sugarman, E Baut, MR Neiman, DC Johnson, R Sridharan, KL Chu, VK Rajasekhar, JD Chodera, SW Lowe, DA Heller*, “Quantitative Self-Assembly Prediction Yields Targeted Nanomedicines” Nature Materials 4 (2018) 361-368. [MSK News Link:…]
Jena PV, Roxbury D, Galassi TV, Akkari L, Horoszko CP, Iaea DB, Budhathoki-Uprety J, Pipalia N, Haka AS, Harvey JD, Mittal J, Maxfield FR, Joyce JA, Heller DA. A Carbon Nanotube Optical Reporter Maps Endolysosomal Lipid Flux. ACS Nano 11 (2017) 10689-1070. [WCM News Link:…]
JD Harvey, PV Jena, HA Baker, GH Zerze, RM Williams, TV Galassi, D Roxbury, J Mittal, DA Heller: “A Carbon Nanotube Reporter of miRNA Hybridization Events In Vivo.” Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (2017) 0041.
[MSK News Link:…]
A Mizrachi, Y Shamay, J Shah, S Brook, J Soong, V Rajasekhar, J Humm, J Healey, S Powell, J Baselga, DA Heller*, A Haimovitz-Friedman*, M Scaltriti*: “Tumor-specific PI3K inhibition via nanoparticle delivery in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.” Nature Communications 8 (2017) 14292.
[MSK News Link:…]
Y Shamay, M Elkabets, H Li, J Shah, S Brook, F Wang, K Adler, E Baut, M Scaltriti, PV Jena, EE Gardner, JT Poirier, CM Rudin, J Baselga, A Haimovitz-Friedman, DA Heller*: “P-selectin is a Nanotherapeutic Delivery Target to the Tumor Microenvironment.” Science Translational Medicine 8 (2016) 345ra8 [Highlighted in Science Translational Medicine 8 (2016) 374fs11, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology (2016), and Cancer Discovery (2016).]
Full Publications List
(107) SS Piletsky, EE Keblish, DA Heller*. “Controlled quantum well formation on DNA-wrapped carbon nanotubes via peroxide-mediated aryl diazonium reduction.” Nano Letters (2025); 25(6):2480-2485.
(106) Berisha N, Farahpour A, Ramakrishnan M, Chen C, McPhee SA, Wang T, Li T-D , Hema K, Panagiotakopoulou M, Athiyarath V, Coste M, Marciano Y, Sherman E, Ulijn RV, Heller DA. “Directed discovery of high-loading nanoaggregates enabled by drug-matched oligo-peptide excipients.” Chem (2025) In press.
C&EN, Chemical & Engineering News. Designer peptides could save failed drug candidates.
Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, Nanoparticle Efficacy in Leukemia Model Improved Using Designer Peptides.
(105) Vogt KC, Silberman PC, Lin Q, Han JE, Laflin A, Gellineau HA, Heller DA, Scheinberg DA. “Microenvironment actuated CAR T cells improve solid tumor efficacy without toxicity.” Science Advances 11 (2025) eads3403.
(104) Mc Larney BE, Sonay AY, Apfelbaum E, Mostafa N, Monette S, Goerzen D, Aguirre N, Exner RM, Habjan C, Isaac E, Phung NB, Skubal M, Kim M, Ogirala A, Veach D, Heller DA, Grimm J. “A pan-cancer dye for solid-tumour screening, resection and wound monitoring via short-wave and near-infrared fluorescence imaging.” Nature Nanotechnology 8 (2024) 1092–1108.
(103) Keshari KR, Heller DA, Boltyanskiy R, Hricak H, Magaldi T, Overholtzer M. “Engineering focusing on cancer.” Cancer Cell 42 (2024) 1138-1141.
(102) M Kim, JJ McCann, J Fortner, E Randall, C Chen, Y Chen, Z Yaari, Y Wang, RL Koder, DA Heller*. “Quantum defect sensitization via phase-changing supercharged antibody fragments.” ACS Nano (2024) 146(18):12454-12462.
(101) TY Sia, Z Yaari, R Feiner, E Smith, A Da Cruz Paula, P Selenica, S Doddi, DS Chi, NR Abu-Rustum, DA Levine, B Weigelt, M Fleisher, LV Ramanathan, DA Heller, K Long Roche. “Uterine washings as a novel method for early detection of ovarian cancer: Trials and tribulations.” Gynecologic Oncology Reports 51 (2024) 101330.
(100) M Kim, D Goerzen, PV Jena, JE Zeng, M Pasquali, RA Meidl, DA Heller*. “Human and Environmental Safety of Carbon Nanotubes Across their Life Cycle.” Nature Reviews Materials 9 (2024) 63-81.
(99) C Chen, Y Wu, S-T Wang, N Berisha, MT Manzari, K Vogt, O Gang, DA Heller*. “Fragment-Based Drug Nanoaggregation Reveals Drivers of Self-Assembly.” Nature Communications 14 (2023) 8340.
(98) M Antman-Passig, Z Yaari, D Goerzen, R Parikh, S Chatman, LE Komer, C Chen, E Grabarnik, M Mathieu, A Haimovitz-Friedman, DA Heller*. “Nanoreporter identifies lysosomal storage disease lipid accumulation intracranially.” Nano Letters 23 (2023) 10687-10695.
(97) BE McLarney, M Kim, S Roberts, M Skubal, H-T Hsu, A Ogirala, E Pratt, N Pillarsetty, DA Heller, JS Lewis, J Grimm*. “Ambient Light–Resistant Shortwave Infrared Fluorescence Imaging for Preclinical Tumor Delineation via pH Low-Insertion Peptide Conjugated to Indocyanine Green.” Journal of Nuclear Medicine 64 (2023) 1647-1653.
(96) J Islam, P Conroy, C Fercher, M Kim, Z Yaari, M Jones, TDM Bell, T Caradoc-Davies, R Law, J Whisstock, D Heller, S Mahler, S Corrie*. “Design of Polarity-Dependent Immunosensors Based on the Structural Analysis of Engineered Antibodies.” ACS Chemical Biology 18 (2023) 1863-1871.
(95) M Kim, M Panagiotakopoulou, C Chen, S Ruiz, K Ganesh, T Tammela, DA Heller*. “Micro-Engineering and Nano- Engineering Approaches to Investigate Tumour Ecosystems.” Nature Reviews Cancer 23 (2023) 581-599.
(94) M Kim, C Chen, ZA Yaari, R Frederiksen, E Randall, J Wollowitz, C Cupo, X Wu, J Shah, DW. Worroll, RE Langenbacher, D Goerzen, Y-M Li, H An, Y Wang, DA Heller*. “Nanosensor-Based Monitoring of Autophagy-Associated Lysosomal Acidification In Vivo.” Nature Chemical Biology (2023).
(93) RE Langenbacher, CP Horoszko, M Kim, DA Heller*. “Hematoxylin Nuclear Stain Reports Oxidative Stress Via Near-Infrared Emission.” ACS Chemical Biology 19 (2023) 1237-1245. PMCID: PMC10289833
(92) D Tylawsky, H Kiguchi, J Vaynshteyn, J Gerwin, J Shah, T Islam, M Snuderl, M Greenblatt, D Boué, Y Shamay, P Raju*, DA Heller* “P-selectin-targeted nanocarriers induce active crossing of the blood-brain barrier via caveolin-1-dependent transcytosis.” Nature Materials 22 (2023) 391-399.
(91) JM Kubala, KB Laursen, R Schreiner, RM Williams, JC van der Mijn, MJ Crowley, NP Mongan, DM Nanus, DA Heller, LJ Gudas*. ”NDUFA4L2 reduces mitochondrial function resulting in defective lysosomal trafficking in clear cell renal cell carcinoma.” Cancer Biology & Therapy 24 (2022) 2170669.
(90) R Feiner, E Jones, M Antman-Passig, T Irie, N Berisha, H Oved, D Khan, L Witek, RM White, DA Heller*. “Drug-Eluting Rubber Bands for Tissue Ligation.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (2022) 27675-27685.
(89) M Antman-Passig, E Wong, GR Frost, C Cupo, J Shah, A Agustinus, Z Chen, C Mancinelli, M Kamel, T Li, LA Jonas, Y-M Li, DA Heller*. “Optical Nanosensor for Intracellular and Intracranial Detection of Amyloid-beta.” ACS Nano 16 (2022) 7269-7283.
(88) LN Benson, Y Liu, X Wang, Y Xiong, SW Rhee, Y Guo, KS Deck, CJ Mora, L-X Li, L Huang, JT Andrews, Z Qin, RS Hoover, B Ko, RM Williams, DA Heller, EA Jaimes, S Mu*. “The IFNγ-PDL1 Pathway Enhances CD8T-DCT Interaction to Promote Hypertension” Circulation R.
(87) M Kim, C Chen, P Wang, JJ Mulvey, Y Yang, C Wun, M Antman-Passig, H-B Luo, S Cho, K Long-Roche, LV Ramanathan, A Jagota, M Zheng, Y Wang, DA Heller*. “Machine-Learning-Based Detection of an Ovarian Cancer Disease Fingerprint from Serum via Quantum Defect-Modified Carbon Nanotube Arrays.” Nature Biomedical Engineering (2022).
(86) C Chen, Z Yaari, E Apfelbaum, P Grodzinski, Y Shamay, DA Heller*. “Merging Data Curation and Machine Learning to Improve Nanomedicines.” Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (2022) 114172.
(85) PV Jena, M Gravely, CC Cupo, MM Safaee, D Roxbury*, DA Heller* “Hyperspectral Counting of Multiplexed Nanoparticle Emitters in Single Cells and Organelles.” ACS Nano (2022).
(84) RM Williams, J Shah, E Mercer, HS Tian, V Thompson, JM Cheung, M Dorso, JM Kubala, LJ Gudas, E de Stanchina, EA Jaimes,* DA Heller*. “Kidney-Targeted Redox Scavenger Therapy Prevents Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury.” Frontiers in Pharmacology 12 (2021).
(83) X Guo, L Xu, H Velazquez, T-M Chen, R Williams, D Heller, B Burtness, R Safirstein, G Desir*. Kidney-Targeted Renalase Agonist Prevents Cisplatin-Induced Chronic Kidney Disease by Inhibiting Regulated Necrosis and Inflammation. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (2021).
(82) Z Yaari, Y Yang, E Apfelbaum, C Cupo, A Settle, Q Cullen, W Cai, K Long Roche, DA Levine, M Fleisher, L Ramanathan, M Zheng, A Jagota, DA Heller*. “A Perception-Based Machine-Perception Nanosensor Platform to Detect Cancer Biomarkers.” Science Advances 7 (2021) eabj0852.
(81) CP Horoszko, PJ Schnatz, J Budhathoki-Uprety, RV Rao-Pothuraju, RL Koder, DA Heller*. “Non-Covalent Coatings on Carbon Nanotubes Mediate Photosensitizer Interactions.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021) 51343–51350.
(80) R Langenbacher, J Budhathoki-Uprety, PV Jena, D Roxbury, J Streit, M Zheng, DA Heller*. “Single-Chirality Near-Infrared Carbon Nanotube Sub-Cellular Imaging and FRET Probes.” Nano Letters 21 (2021) 6441-6448. [PMID: 34296885]
(79) B Podlesny, B Olszewska, Z Yaari, PV Jena, G Ghahramani, R Feiner, DA Heller*, D Janas*. “En route to single-step, two-phase purification of carbon nanotubes facilitated by high-throughput spectroscopy.” Scientific Reports 11 (2021) 10618.
(78) MT Manzari, Y Shamay, H Kiguchi, M Scaltriti, N Rosen, DA Heller*. “Targeted Drug Delivery Strategies for Precision Medicines” Nature Reviews Materials (2021).PMID: 28867241
(77) RM Williams, S Chen, RE Langenbacher, TV Galassi, JD Harvey, PV Jena, J Budhathoki-Uprety*, M Luo*, DA Heller*. “Harnessing Nanotechnology to Expand the Toolbox of Chemical Biology” Nature Chemical Biology 17 (2021) 129-137. PMID: 33414556
(76) Z Yaari, JM Cheung, HA Baker, RS Frederiksen, PV Jena, F Jiao, S Scheuring, M Luo, DA Heller*. “Nanoreporter of an Enzymatic Suicide Inactivation Pathway” Nano Letters 20 (2020) 7819-7829. PMID: 33119310
(75) “Dual Inhibition of MCL1 and BCL2 in Lymphoma Using Tumor Targeted Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery” Blood (2020). PMID: 33067607
(74) RM Williams, JD Harvey, J Budhathoki-Uprety, DA Heller*. “A Glutathione-S-transferase Fusion Protein Nanosensor.” Nano Letters 20 (2020) 7287−7295. PMID: 32955895
(73) SJ Han, RM Williams, M Kim, DA Heller, V D’Agati, M Schmidt-Supprian, and HT Lee*. “Renal proximal tubular NEMO plays a critical role in ischemic acute kidney injury” JCI Insight 5 (2020) e139246. PMCID: PMC7566738
(72) TV Galassi, M Antman-Passig, Z Yaari, J Jessurun, RE Schwartz, DA Heller*. “Long-Term In Vivo Biocompatibility of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” PLoS One 15 (2020) e0226791. PMCID: PMC7202660
(71) M Ruscetti, JP Morris, R Mezzadra, J Russell, J Leibold, PB Romesser, J Simon, A Kulick, Y-j Ho, M Fennell, J Li, RJ Norgard, JE Wilkinson, D Alonso-Curbelo, R Sridharan, DA Heller, E de Stanchina, BZ Stanger, CJ Sherr, SW Lowe*. “Senescence-Induced Vascular Remodeling Creates Therapeutic Vulnerabilities in Pancreas Cancer.”Cell 181 (2020) 424-441. PMCID: PMC7872414
(70) SJ Han, RM Williams, V D’Agati, EA Jaimes, DA Heller, HT Lee*. “Selective Nanoparticle-Mediated Targeting of Renal Tubular Toll-Like Receptor 9 Attenuates Ischemic Acute Kidney Injury.” Kidney International 98 (2020) 76-87. PMCID: PMC7872414
(69) CP Horoszko, PV Jena, D Roxbury, SV. Rotkin, DA Heller*. “Optical Voltammetry of Polymer-Encapsulated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 24200-24208. PMCID: PMC7371339
(68) MA Lee, CM Duarte, VM Eguíluz, DA Heller, R Langer, MG Meekan, HD Sikes, M Srivastava, MS Strano*, RP Wilson. “Can Fish and Cell Phones Teach Us About Our Health?” ACS Sensors 4 (2019) 2566-2570. PMID: 31576740
(67) J Budhathoki-Uprety, J Shah, JA Korsen, AE Wayne, TV Galassi, JR Cohen, JD Harvey, PV Jena, LV Ramanathan, EA Jaimes, DA Heller*. “Synthetic Molecular Recognition Nanosensor Paint for Microalbuminuria.” Nature Communications 10 (2019) 3605. [PMID: 31399600]
(66) H Kodama, Y Shamay, Y Kimura, J Shah, SB Solomon, D Heller, G Srimathveeravalli*. “Electroporation-induced changes in tumor vasculature and microenvironment can promote the delivery and increase the efficacy of sorafenib nanoparticles”. Bioelectrochemistry 130 (2019) 107328. [PMID: 31306879]
(65) JD Harvey, RM Williams, KM. Tully, HA Baker, Y Shamay, DA Heller*. “An in Vivo Nanosensor Measures Compartmental Doxorubicin Exposure.” Nano Letters (2019).
(64) JD Harvey, HA Baker, MV Ortiz, A Kentsis, DA Heller*. “HIV Detection via a Carbon Nanotube RNA Sensor.” ACS Sensors 4 (2019) 1236-1244.
(63) TV Galassi, PV Jena, J Shah, G Ao, E Molitor, Y Bram, A Frankel, J Park, J Jessurun, DS Ory, A Haimovitz-Friedman, D Roxbury, J Mittal, M Zheng, R E Schwartz, DA Heller*. “An Optical Nanoreporter of Endolysosomal Lipid Accumulation Reveals Enduring Effects of Diet on Hepatic Macrophages In Vivo.” Science Translational Medicine 10 (2018) eaar2680.
(62) RM Williams, C Lee, DA Heller*. “A Fluorescent Carbon Nanotube Sensor Detects the Metastatic Prostate Cancer Biomarker uPA.” ACS Sensors 3 (2018) 1838–1845.
(61) JD Harvey, GH Zerze, KM Tully, J Mittal, DA Heller*. “Electrostatic Screening Modulates Analyte Binding and Emission of Carbon Nanotubes.” Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018)
(60) RM Williams, C Lee, TV Galassi, JD Harvey, R Leicher, M Sirenko, M Dorso, J Shah, N Olvera, F Dao, DA Levine, DA Heller*. “Non-Invasive Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Detection via an Optical Nanosensor Implant.” Science Advances 4 (2018) eaaq1090.
(59) Y Shamay, J Shah, DF Tschaharganeh, D Roxbury, J Budhathoki-Uprety, M Işık, A Mizrachi, K Nawaly, JL Sugarman, E Baut, MR Neiman, DC Johnson, R Sridharan, KL Chu, VK Rajasekhar, JD Chodera, SW Lowe, DA Heller*, “Quantitative Self-Assembly Prediction Yields Targeted Nanomedicines” Nature Materials (2018)
(58) RM Williams, J Shah, HS Tian, Xi Chen, F Geissman, EA Jaimes, DA Heller*, “Selective Nanoparticle Targeting of the Renal Tubules.” Hypertension 71 (2018) 87-94.
[Highlighted in Hypertension Perspective, Yap, et. al., 2017]
(57) JD Harvey, HA. Baker, E Mercer, J Budhathoki-Uprety, DA Heller*, “Control of carbon nanotube solvatochromic response to chemotherapeutic agents.” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017) 37947-37953.
(56) Sims CM, Hanna SK, Heller DA, Horoszko CP, Johnson ME, Montoro Bustos AR, Reipa V, Riley KR, Nelson BC. Redox-active nanomaterials for nanomedicine applications. Nanoscale. 2017 Oct 19;9(40):15226-15251. doi: 10.1039/c7nr05429g. Review. [PMID: 28991962]
(55) Jena PV, Roxbury D, Galassi TV, Akkari L, Horoszko CP, Iaea DB, Budhathoki-Uprety J, Pipalia N, Haka AS, Harvey JD, Mittal J, Maxfield FR, Joyce JA, Heller DA. A Carbon Nanotube Optical Reporter Maps Endolysosomal Lipid Flux. ACS Nano. 2017 Sep 12. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.7b04743. [Epub ahead of print] [PMID: 28898055]
(54) Harvey JD, Baker HA, Mercer E, Budhathoki-Uprety J, Heller DA. Control of Carbon Nanotube Solvatochromic Response to Chemotherapeutic Agents. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Nov 1;9(43):37947-37953. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b12015. Epub 2017 Oct 19. [PMID: 29048868]
(53) Jena PV, Safaee MM, Heller DA, Roxbury D. DNA-Carbon Nanotube Complexation Affinity and Photoluminescence Modulation Are Independent. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces. 2017 Jun 28;9(25):21397-21405. doi: 10.1021/acsami.7b05678. Epub 2017 Jun 15. [PMID: 28573867]
(52) J Budhathoki-Uprety, RE Langenbacher, PV Jena, D Roxbury, DA Heller*: “A Carbon Nanotube Optical Sensor Reports Nuclear Entry via a Noncanonical Pathway.” ACS Nano 11 (2017) 3875-3882.
(51) JD Harvey, PV Jena, HA Baker, GH Zerze, RM Williams, TV Galassi, D Roxbury, J Mittal, DA Heller: “A Carbon Nanotube Reporter of miRNA Hybridization Events In Vivo.” Nature Biomedical Engineering 1 (2017) 0041.
(50) A Mizrachi, Y Shamay, J Shah, S Brook, J Soong, V Rajasekhar, J Humm, J Healey, S Powell, J Baselga, DA Heller*, A Haimovitz-Friedman*, M Scaltriti*: “Tumor-specific PI3K inhibition via nanoparticle delivery in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.” Nature Communications 8 (2017) 14292.
(49) DA Scheinberg*, J Grimm, DA Heller, EP Stater, M Bradbury, MR McDevitt: “Advances in the clinical translation of nanotechnology.” Current Opinion in Biotechnology 46 (2017) 66-73.
(48) PV Jena, TV Galassi, D Roxbury, DA Heller*: “Review—Progress toward Applications of Carbon Nanotube Photoluminescence.” ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology 6 (2017) M3075-M3077.
(47) TV Galassi, PV Jena, D Roxbury, DA Heller*: “Single nanotube spectral imaging to determine molar concentrations of isolated carbon nanotube species.” Analytical Chemistry 89 (2017) 1073-1077.
(46) Y Shamay, M Elkabets, H Li, J Shah, S Brook, F Wang, K Adler, E Baut, M Scaltriti, PV Jena, EE Gardner, JT Poirier, CM Rudin, J Baselga, A Haimovitz-Friedman, DA Heller*: “P-selectin is a Nanotherapeutic Delivery Target to the Tumor Microenvironment.” Science Translational Medicine 8 (2016) 345ra87. [Highlighted in Science Translational Medicine 8 (2016) 374fs11, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology (2016), and Cancer Discovery (2016).]
(45) RM Williams, EA Jaimes*, DA Heller*: “Nanomedicines for Kidney Diseases.” Kidney International 90 (2016) 740-745.
(44) D Roxbury, PV Jena, Y Shamay, CP Horoszko, DA Heller*: “Cell Membrane Proteins Modulate the Carbon Nanotube Optical Bandgap via Surface Charge Accumulation.” ACS Nano 10 (2016) 499-506.
(43) PV Jena, Y Shamay, J Shah, D Roxbury, N Paknejad, DA Heller*: “Photoluminescent Carbon Nanotubes Interrogate the Permeability of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids.” Carbon 97 (2016) 99-109.
(42) D Roxbury, PV Jena, RM Williams, E Balazs, P Niethammer, S Marcet, M Verhaegen, S Blais-Ouellette, DA Heller*: “Hyperspectral Microscopy of Near-Infrared Fluorescence Enables 17-Chirality Carbon Nanotube Imaging.” Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 14167.
(41) RM Williams, J Shah, BD Ng, DR Minton, LJ Gudas, C Park, DA. Heller*: “Mesoscale Nanoparticles Selectively Target the Renal Proximal Tubule Epithelium.” Nano Letters 15 (2015) 2358-2364.
(40) J Budhathoki-Uprety, PV Jena, D Roxbury, DA Heller*: “Helical Polycarbodiimide Cloaking of Carbon Nanotubes Enables Inter-Nanotube Exciton Energy Transfer Modulation.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014) 15545-15550.
(38) JJ Mulvey, EN Feinberg, S Alidori, MR McDevitt, DA Heller, DA Scheinberg*: “Synthesis, pharmacokinetics, and biological use of lysine-modified single-walled carbon nanotubes.” International Journal of Nanomedicine 9 (2014) 4245-4255.
(32) JW Kang, FT Nguyen, N Lue, RR Dasari, DA Heller*: “Measuring Uptake Dynamics of Multiple, Identifiable Carbon Nanotube Species via High-Speed Confocal Raman Imaging of Live Cells.” Nano Letters 12 (2012) 6170-6174.
Publications from work prior to MSKCC:
(39) J Zhang, S Kruss, AJ Hilmer, S Shimzu, Z Schmois, FDL Cruz, PW Barone, NF Reuel, DA Heller, MS Strano*: “A Rapid, Direct, Quantitative, and Label-Free Detector of Cardiac Biomarker Troponin T Using Near Infrared Fluorescent Single-walled Carbon Nanotube Sensors.” Advanced Healthcare Materials 3 (2014) 412-423.
(37) J Zhang, MP Landry, PW Barone, J-H Kim, S Lin, ZW Ulissi, D Lin, B Mu, AA Boghossian, AJ Hilmer, A Rwei, AC Hinckley, S Kruss, MA Shandell, N Nair, S Blake, F Sen, S Sen, RG Croy, D Li, K Yum, J-H Ahn, H Jin, DA Heller, JM Essigmann, D Blankschtein, MS Strano*: “Corona Phase Molecular Recognition Using Nanotube-Adsorbed Polymer Complexes.” Nature Nanotechnology 8 (2013) 959-968.
(36) Y Zhang, JM Pelet, DA Heller, J Wallas, BJ Joseph, Y Dong, D Chen, Z Gu, DG Anderson*: “Lipid-Modified Aminoglycoside Derivatives for in vivo siRNA Delivery.” Advanced Materials 25 (2013) 4641-4645.
(35) AA Boghossian, F Sen, BM Gibbons, S Sen, SM Faltermier, JP Giraldo, CT Zhang, J Zhang, DA Heller, MS Strano*: “Application of Nanoparticle Antioxidants to Enable Hyperstable Chloroplasts for Solar Energy Harvesting.” Advanced Energy Materials 3 (2013) 881-893.
(34) A Sharei, J Zoldan, A Adamo, WY Sim, N Cho, E Jackson, S Mao, S Schneider, M-J Han, A Lytton-Jean, PA Basto, S Jhunjhunwala, J Lee, DA Heller, JW Kang, GC Hartoularos, K-S Kim, DG Anderson, R Langer*, KF Jensen*: “A vector-free microfluidic platform for intracellular delivery.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (2013) 2082-2087.
(33) DA Heller, Y Levi, JM Pelet, JC Doloff, J Wallas, GW Pratt, S Jiang, G Sahay, A Schroeder, JE Schroeder, Y Chyan, C Zurenko, W Querbes, M Manzano, DS Kohane, R Langer, DG Anderson*: “Modular ‘Click-in-Emulsion’ Bone-Targeted Nanogels.” Advanced Materials 25 (2013) 1449-1454. [Highlighted in Science 339 (2013) 374-375.]
(31) AA Kayani, K Khoshmanesh, TG Nguyen, G Kostovski, AF Chrimes, M Nasabi, D Heller, A Mitchell, K Kalantar-Zadeh*: “Dynamic manipulation of modes in an optical waveguide using dielecrophoresis.” Electrophoresis 33 (2012) 2075-2085.
(30) AJ Hilmer, TP McNicholas, S Lin, J Zhang QH Wang, JD Mendenhall, C Song, DA Heller, PW Barone, D Blankschtein, MS Strano*: “The Role of Adsorbed Surfactant in the Reaction of Aryl Diazonium Salts with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Langmuir 28 (2012) 1309-1321.
(29) A Schroeder, DA Heller, MM Winslow, JE Dahlman, GW Pratt, R Langer*, T Jacks*, DG Anderson*: “Treating metastatic cancer with nanotechnology.” Nature Reviews Cancer 12 (2012) 39-50.
(28) AA Boghossian, J Zhang, PW Barone, NF Reuel, J-H Kim, DA Heller, J-H Ahn, AJ Hilmer, A Rwei, JR Arkalgud, CT Zhang, MS Strano*: “Near-Infrared Fluorescent Sensors based on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for Life Sciences Applications.” ChemSusChem 4 (2011) 848-863.
(27) DA Heller, GW Pratt, J Zhang, N Nair, AJ Hansborough, AA Boghossian, NF Reuel, PW Barone, MS Strano*: “Peptide Secondary Structure Modulates Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence as a Chaperone Sensor for Nitroaromatics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (2011) 8544-8549.
(26) J Zhang, AA Boghossian, PW Barone, A Rwei, J-H Kim, D Lin, DA Heller, AJ Hilmer, N Nair, NF Reuel, MS Strano*. “Single Molecule Detection of Nitric Oxide Enabled by d(AT)15 DNA Adsorbed to Near Infrared Fluorescent Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2010) 567-581.
(25) J-H Han, GLC Paulus, R Maruyama, DA Heller, W-J Kim, PW Barone, CY Lee, JH Choi, M-H Ham, C Song, C Fantini, MS Strano*. “Exciton antennas and concentrators from core–shell and corrugated carbon nanotube filaments of homogeneous composition.” Nature Materials 9 (2010) 833-839.
(24) M-H Ham, JH Choi, AA Boghossian, ES Jeng, RA Graff, DA Heller, AC Chang, A Mattis, TH Bayburt, YV Grinkova, AS Zeiger, KJ Van Vliet, EK Hobbie, SG Sligar, CA Wraight, MS Strano*: “Photoelectrochemical complexes for solar energy conversion that chemically and autonomously regenerate.” Nature Chemistry 2 (2010) 929-936.
(23) H Jin, DA Heller, M Kalbacova, J-H Kim, J Zhang, AA Boghossian, N Maheshri, MS Strano*: “Detection of single-molecule H2O2 signalling from epidermal growth factor receptor using fluorescent single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Nature Nanotechnology 5 (2010) 302-309.
(22) J-H Kim, J-H Ahn, PW Barone, H Jin, J Zhang, DA Heller, MS Strano*: “A Luciferase/Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Conjugate for Near-Infrared Fluorescent Detection of Cellular ATP.” Angewandte Chemie 49 (2010) 1456-1459.
(21) J-H Kim, DA Heller, H Jin, PW Barone, C Song, J Zhang, LJ Trudel, GN Wogan, SR Tannenbaum, MS Strano*: “The rational design of nitric oxide selectivity in single-walled carbon nanotube near-infrared fluorescence sensors for biological detection.” Nature Chemistry 1 (2009) 473-481.
(20) DA Heller, H Jin, BM Martinez, D Patel, BM Miller, T-K Yeung, PV Jena, C Höbartner, T Ha, SK Silverman, MS Strano*: “Multi-modal optical sensing and analyte specificity via single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Nature Nanotechnology 4 (2009) 114-120.
(19) H Jin, DA Heller, R Sharma, MS Strano*: “Size-Dependent Cellular Uptake and Expulsion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Single Particle Tracking and a Generic Uptake Model for Nanoparticles.” ACS Nano 3 (2009) 149-158.
(18) MS Strano, AA Boghossian, W-J Kim, PW Barone, ES Jeng, DA Heller, N Nair, H Jin, R Sharma, CY Lee: “The Chemistry of Single-Walled Nanotubes.” MRS Bulletin 34 (2009) 950-961.
(17) H Jin, DA Heller, J-H Kim, MS Strano*: “A Stochastic Analysis of Stepwise Fluorescence Quenching Reactions on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Nano Letters 8 (2008) 4299-4304.
(16) H Jin, DA Heller, MS Strano*: “Single-Particle Tracking of Endocytosis and Exocytosis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in NIH-3T3 Cells.” Nano Letters 8 (2008) 1577-1585.
(15) A Rajan, MS Strano, DA Heller, T Hertel, K Schulten*: “Length-Dependent Optical Effects in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 (2008) 6211-6213.
(14) H Jin, ES Jeng, DA Heller, PV Jena, R Kirmse, J Langowski, MS Strano*: “Divalent Ion and Thermally Induced DNA Conformational Polymorphism on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Macromolecules 40 (2007) 6731-6739.
(13) JH Choi, FT Nguyen, PW Barone, DA Heller, AE Moll, D Patel, SA Boppart, MS Strano*: “Multimodal Biomedical Imaging with Asymmetric Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube/Iron Oxide Nanoparticle Complexes.” Nano Letters 7 (2007) 861-867.
(12) DA Heller, ES Jeng, T Yeung, BM Martinez, AE Moll, JB Gastala, MS Strano*: “Optical Detection of DNA Conformational Polymorphism on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes.” Science 311 (2006) 508-511.
(11) A Jorio, C. Fantini, MA Pimenta, DA Heller, MS Strano, MS Dresselhaus, Y Oyama, J Jiang, R Saito*: “Carbon nanotube population analysis from Raman and photoluminescence intensities.” Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 023109s.
(10) DA Heller, S Baik, TE Eurell, MS Strano*: “Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Spectroscopy in Live Cells: Towards Long-Term Labels and Optical Sensors.” Advanced Materials 17 (2005) 2793-2799.
(9) EK Lewis, WC Haaland, FT Nguyen, DA Heller, MJ Allen, RR MacGregor, CS Berger, B Willingham, LA Burns, GBI Scott, C Kittrell, BR Johnson, RF Curl, ML Metzker*: “Color-Blind Fluorescence Detection for Four-Color DNA Sequencing.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (2005) 5346-5351.
(8) RA Graff, JP Swanson, PW Barone, S Baik, DA Heller, MS Strano: “Achieving Individual Nanotube Dispersion at High Loading in Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites.” Advanced Materials 17 (2005) 980-984.
(7) DA Heller, PW Barone, MS Strano*: “Sonication-induced changes in chiral distribution: A complication to the use of single-walled carbon nanotube fluorescence for determining species distribution.” Carbon 43 (2005) 651-653.
(6) PW Barone, S Baik, DA Heller, MS Strano*: “Near-infrared optical sensors based on single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Nature Materials 4 (2005) 86-92.
(5) DA Heller, V Garga, KJ Kelleher, T-C Lee, S Mahbubani, LA Sigworth, TR Lee*, MA Rea*: “Patterned networks of mouse hippocampal neurons on peptide-coated gold surfaces.” Biomaterials 26 (2005) 883-889.
(4) DA Heller, RM Mayrhofer, S Baik, YV Grinkova, ML Usrey, MS Strano*: “Concomitant length and diameter separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (2004) 14567-14573.
(3) DA Heller, PW Barone, JP Swanson, RM Mayrhofer, MS Strano*: “Using Raman spectroscopy to elucidate the aggregation state of single-walled carbon nanotubes.” Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 6905-6909.
(2) MS Strano*, M Zheng, A Jagota, GB Onoa, DA Heller, PW Barone, ML Usrey: “Understanding the nature of the DNA-assisted separation of single-walled carbon nanotubes using fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy.” Nano Letters 4 (2004) 543-550.
(1) SK Doorn, DA Heller, PW Barone, ML Usrey, MS Strano*: “Resonant Raman excitation profiles of individually dispersed single walled carbon nanotubes in solution.” Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing 78 (2004) 1147-55.