Memorial Sloan Kettering Nassau


Информация о местоположении

Клиника MSK в Нассау (Nassau)

Overview of MSK Nassau  

MSK Nassau offers the same expert cancer care patients expect from Memorial Sloan Kettering, just closer to home. Patients are able to receive much of their treatment — including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy — at our location in Uniondale, New York.

ВИДЕО | 02:55

Виртуальный тур по центру MSK в Нассау (Nassau)

Мы предлагаем вам совершить виртуальный тур по нашему амбулаторному центру MSK в Нассау, который предлагает жителям Лонг-Айленда возможность пройти лечение и реабилитацию недалеко от дома.
Подробности на видео
MSK specialists like Claudine Campbell, lead occupational therapist, offer a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

MSK specialists like Claudine Campbell, lead occupational therapist, offer a comprehensive rehabilitation program.

MSK staff like derek fogelson, radiation therapist, make your comfort and safety their top priority.

MSK staff including radiation therapist Derek Fogelson make your comfort and safety their top priority.  


Services Offered

At MSK Nassau, residents of Long Island and eastern Queens have easier access to MSK’s outstanding cancer care services, including:

Care Team

At Memorial Sloan Kettering, doctors, nurses, and other specialists work together on treatment teams for each patient. This means that your care team is highly experienced in caring for people with the type of cancer you have. In addition to your medical care, your team will also develop a plan to care for your total well-being, including support for your family and loved ones.

For most cancers, your treatment will be led by one or more primary doctors. These could include a medical oncologist, a surgical oncologist, or a radiation oncologist. Each of these doctors brings a defined set of expertise and techniques for treating cancer.

Learn more about our care teams

Find a doctor at MSK Nassau

MSK specialists like Smita Sihag (left), a thoracic surgeon, are part of a multidisciplinary team of experts who care for people with cancer.

MSK specialists like Smita Sihag (left), a thoracic surgeon, are part of a multidisciplinary team of experts who care for people with cancer.  


Take a look inside MSK Nassau

Персонал клиники MSK в Нассау

Персонал клиники MSK в Нассау стремится обеспечить исключительный уход и проявить сострадание, при котором каждый человек рассматривается как индивидуальность.

Медсестра высшей квалификации Кэтлин Кронбихлер

Медсестра высшей квалификации Кэтлин Кронбихлер осматривает пациента.

Клиника MSK в Нассау предлагает самые передовые технологии для диагностики и лечения.

Клиника MSK в Нассау предлагает самые передовые технологии для диагностики и лечения.

Green Building Design at Memorial Sloan Kettering Nassau
Learn more about the eco-friendly features of Memorial Sloan Kettering Nassau.

Visiting MSK Nassau

We are located on the grounds of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum. Follow the blue signs near the Nassau Coliseum to the parking garage and entrance for MSK Nassau.

Parking Information

Patients coming to MSK Nassau can park in our on-site parking garage.

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  • ic_valet Valet Parking
  • ic_gallery Art Gallery
  • Cafe icon.Icon showing a fork and knife. Café
  • Wifi icon.An icon indication the presence of wireless internet access. Wi-Fi
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