
无论您是新癌症患者,还是已经在接受我们的照护并且正在接受治疗的人士,我们的保险专家都将随时助您了解保险和付款问题。 许多保险计划都包括我们医院。 Medicare 与 Medicaid 保险在我们医院也同样适用。 请仔细阅读此处的信息,因为保险公司提供许多不同的计划,其中部分计划可能未将我们包含在内。 如果您有任何问题,请随时联系我们

视频 | 04:56

Understanding Insurance and Payment

Watch this video to learn about the costs of care at MSK and what to know about your insurance.
Understanding your insurance options is an important part of managing your cancer care. Find out how we can help.
If you do not have health insurance or are worried that your health insurance may not cover your hospital bill in full, we may be able to help.