Other Plasma Cell Disorders

Other Plasma Cell Disorders



Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a precancerous condition that can turn into multiple myeloma. People have low levels of myeloma cells or m-protein. There are no symptoms of myeloma or organ damage.

If you have MGUS, there’s only a slight risk each year it will turn into multiple myeloma. For every 100 people with MGUS, each year, only 1 person will get multiple myeloma.

Smoldering myeloma

Smoldering myeloma (SMM) is a precancerous condition that can turn into multiple myeloma.  People have low levels of myeloma cells or m-protein. There are no symptoms of myeloma or organ damage.

Compared to MGUS, smoldering myeloma has a higher risk of turning into multiple myeloma. For every 100 people with SMM, during their first 5 years with the condition, 10 of them will get multiple myeloma. The risk falls after the first 5 years.

Amyloidosis: Light Chain (AL), systemic & other types

Amyloidoss (a-muh-loy-DOH-sis) is a group of related diseases. They’re caused by a build-up of proteins that have folded the wrong way. These protein build-ups can happen in tissues and organs and can affect how they work.

When the protein build-up happens in certain organs, it’s called localized amyloidosis. When it happens throughout your body, it’s called systemic amyloidosis.

PlasmacytomaSolitary or extramedullary

Plasmacytoma (PLAZ-muh-sy-TOH-muh) is a very rare type of blood cancer that starts in plasma cells. It can become multiple myeloma.

  • Solitary plasmacytoma is when tumors grow in your bone or bone marrow.
  • Extramedullary (EK-struh-MED-yoo-LAYR-ee) plasmacytoma (EMP) is when the tumor grows in soft tissues, not in your bones. It’s most common in your head or neck and lungs, but can grow in any soft tissue.

POEMS Syndrome

POEMS syndrome is a rare disease that affects many systems in your body. It’s caused by having a higher amount of plasma cells. The name is an acronym, a kind of abbreviation. The letters stand for the many signs and symptoms of POEMS.

The main symptom of POEMS is peripheral neuropathy (peh-RIH-feh-rul noor-AH-puh-thee), or nerve damage. The main sign is a monoclonal plasma cell disorder. Everyone who has POEMS syndrome has a monoclonal protein (m-protein).

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