Fundamentals of Oncology Acupuncture

Fundamentals of Oncology Acupuncture


Please note that the modules from Advances in Oncology Acupuncture: Clinical Research and Symptom Management are also included in this course.

The goal of this online continuing education course is to provide acupuncturists with a framework for evidence-based clinical practice in cancer care and to share new advances in integrative oncology research.

This course will introduce, review, and reinforce the detection and treatment of certain cancers to prepare students for work within the hospital setting. Students will learn the causes and symptoms of common acute and chronic cancer-related side effects. MSK’s experts in oncology acupuncture practices and research will present current research and clinical approaches to providing acupuncture for the treatment of chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, pain, cancer-related fatigue, hot flashes, and neuropathy.

Learning objectives

  • Describe how primary tumor staging affects clinical outcomes and conventional treatment for cancer patients.
  • Explain the contemporary science for acupuncture mechanisms of action
  • Discuss the palliative care approach to cancer pain and symptom management
  • Explain the clinical approaches for treating cancer-related side effects with acupuncture

Create a detailed acupuncture treatment plan for cancer-related side effects

Continuing education credit

Memorial Sloan Kettering is an approved PDA provider #299 of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

The NCCAOM designates this distance online education program for a maximum of 12.5 PDA points.

Target audience

  • licensed acupuncturists
  • doctors of oriental medicine
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) professionals



Course agenda

  • understanding cancer
  • breast cancer
  • lung cancer
  • unlocking the paradigms and paradoxes of prostate cancer
  • gynecological cancers
  • cancer treatment modalities and symptom management
  • mainstream pain management
  • psychiatric and psychological problems among the cancer population
  • the palliative care approach to pain and symptom management
  • acupuncture mechanisms of action
  • acupuncture for cancer-related pain
  • chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
  • chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
  • cancer-related fatigue
  • acupuncture for hot flashes
  • provider-to-patient communication in the oncology setting
  • talking to patients about integrative therapies
  • acupuncture safety and clinical practice guidelines
  • herb and drug interactions
  • integrative approaches to cancer prevention
  • course exam

Our Integrative Medicine Service enlists Bridge, a native cloud learning management system, to offer a unique engagement platform to host our online courses. Bridge’s intuitive design and mobile platforms will allow you to complete your course on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Once your payment of the course fee is processed successfully, you will receive a receipt from MSK sent directly to the email account you entered during registration. Within 48 hours, the Integrative Medicine Education Coordinator will upload your name, email, and course selection into Bridge. Once completed, you will receive an email from Bridge containing a link to access the Bridge app. You will be asked to create a username and password to establish your personal Bridge account. Every time you wish to watch a lecture, you will return to the Bridge app and enter the username and password you created.

For questions and assistance with the registration process, please email

Additional information

Frequently Asked Questions

This course replaces Acupuncture for the Cancer Patient. 

What sex were you assigned at birth?
Highest Degree
How did you learn about this program?
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