MSK Awards & Appointments June 2022


Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) announces the following awards and appointments:

Alban Ordureau Selected into the 2022 Class of Pew Scholars in Biomedical Sciences

Alban Ordureau, PhD

Alban Ordureau, PhD, has been selected into the 2022 class of Pew Scholars in Biomedical Sciences, which provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level.

MSK’s Department of Pathology Received the MongoDB Innovation 2022 Data for Good Award

MSK’s Department of Pathology was awarded the MongoDB Innovation 2022 Data for Good Award. The award celebrates the groundbreaking use of data to build compelling applications and the creativity of professionals expanding the limits of technology with MongoDB. MSK’s Department of Pathology contributes to diagnosing the type of cancer affecting a patient, which in turn helps providers determine possible treatments. MPath, is an advanced software ecosystem developed in-house, is built on MongoDB and supports digital review and reporting of over three dozen Molecular Pathology diagnostic test.

Maria Jasin Elected to the American Philosophical Society

Maria Jasin, PhD

Maria Jasin, PhD was elected to the American Philosophical Society (APS).  The Society was founded in 1743 by Benjamin Franklin for the purpose of “promoting useful knowledge.” It honors and engages distinguished scientists, humanists, social scientists, and leaders in civic and cultural affairs through elected membership and opportunities for interdisciplinary, intellectual fellowship. It supports research and discovery through grants and fellowships, lectures, publications, prizes, exhibitions, and public education.

Karuna Ganesh, Piro Lito and Richard Hite Awarded the 2022 Pershing Square Sohn Prize for Young Investigators in Cancer Research

Karuna Ganesh, Piro Lito and Richard Hite

Karuna Ganesh, MD, PhD, medical oncologist, Josie Robertson Investigator, Piro Lito, MD, PhD, medical oncologist, Josie Robertson Investigator, and Richard Hite, BS, PhD, structural biologist, Josie Robertson Investigator alumnus, were three out of seven awarded the 2022 Pershing Square Sohn Prize for Young Investigators in Cancer Research. The award is presented annually to cancer research scientists and physician-scientists based in the greater New York City area. It empowers investigators early in their independent careers to pursue their most exciting research projects at a critical stage when traditional funding is lacking.

Mark G. Klang Appointed to the New York State Board of Pharmacy

Mark G. Klang

Mark G. Klang, MS, Rph, BCNSP, PhD, Core Manger Research Pharmacy, was appointed to the New York State Board of Pharmacy for the next five years to advise and assist the Board of Regents in the licensing of Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians, recommendations of bills before the legislature and review of investigations of pharmacy practice and inspections. The New York State Board of Pharmacy is made of practicing pharmacist, along with healthcare professionals and members of the public.

Emeline Aviki, Allison Betof Warner and Alina Markova Received the 40 Under 40 in Cancer Award

Emeline Aviki, Allison Betof Warner and Alina Markova

Emeline Aviki, MD, MBA, FACOG, gynecologic oncologist, Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD, medical oncologist and Alina Markova, MD, dermatologist, Director of Inpatient Consultative Dermatology, were awarded the 40 Under 40 in Cancer Award. Awardees were nominated by colleagues and selected by a panel of reviewers from a range of areas in oncology. The award identifies and recognizes contributions from across the field of oncology by approximately rising stars and emerging leaders younger than 40. Drs. Aviki, Betof Warner and Markova were recognized during a special event at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, June 3–7 in Chicago.

Fumiko Chino Received the 2022 Healio Patient Voice Award

Fumiko Chino, MD was awarded the 2022 Healio Patient Voice Award. This award is given to a physician advocate who moved the needle in public discussions with patients and patient groups, improving communication between patients and providers and using physician and/or personal experience to push legislative or regulatory action. Dr. Chino received the award during a special event at the 2022 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, June 3–7 in Chicago.

Vincent Laudone Given the 2022 Norwich Native Son Award

Vincent Laudone, MD

Vincent Laudone, MD, Chief of Surgery at MSK’s Josie Robertson Surgery Center, was awarded the 2022 Norwich Native Son Award. This award is presented annually by the Norwich Rotary Club, the Norwich Sunrise Rotary Club, and The Woman’s City Club of Norwich. It recognizes outstanding achievements by Norwich, Connecticut natives who reached achievements while living outside the Norwich area.

Arianna Baggiolini and Daniel Zegarra Ruiz Awarded the 2022 Tri-Institutional Breakout Prize for Junior Investigators

Arianna Baggiolini and Daniel Zegarra Ruiz

Arianna Baggiolini, PhD, Research Fellow and Daniel Zegarra Ruiz, Postdoctoral Associate received the 2022 Tri-Institutional Prize for Junior Investigators. Recipients of the Tri-Institutional Breakout Prize are postdoctoral trainees nominated by their mentors and selected by a committee of faculty members from MSK, Rockefeller University and Weill Cornell Medicine. Winners are selected based on their research accomplishments, the impact of their science, and the likelihood of their success as independent investigators.

Mini Kamboj Given the 2022 Willet F. Whitmore Award for Clinical Excellence

Mini Kamboj, MD

Mini Kamboj, MD, Chief Medical Epidemiologist of Infection Control was presented with the Willet F. Whitmore Award for Clinical Excellence. The award is given to a clinician whose talent, dedication, and compassion reflect the standards set by Willet F. Whitmore, MD, during his more than 46 years of service at MSK.


Alexander Drilon Received the 2022 Louise and Allston Boyer Young Investigator Award for Clinic Research

Alexander Drilon, PhD

Alexander Drilon, MD, Medical Oncologist and Chief of Early Drug Development Service was presented with the 2022 Louise and Allston Boyer Young Investigator Award for Clinical Research. Drilon was recognized for his research to develop new treatments for lung cancer, specifically therapies targeting molecular changes in patients’ tumors. This award honors physicians at the assistant or associate level who have demonstrated great promise and accomplishment in clinical investigations.

Nine MSK Fellows Awarded the 2022 Conquer Cancer Young Investigator Award (YIA)

Nine MSK Fellows Awarded the 2022 Conquer Cancer Young Investigator Award (YIA)

Sherry Shen, MD, Medical/Hematology Oncologist, Alec P. Boardman, Hematology Oncology Fellow, Carissa Chu, MD, Urology Fellow, Kelly Fitzgerald, MD, PhD, medical oncology fellow, Song Jiang, Fellow, Sari Khaleel, urology fellow , medical/ hematology oncologist, Varun Narendra, MD, PhD, medical/hematology oncologist; and Jaclyn Rosenzweig, MD, clinical fellow were awarded the 2022 Conquer Cancer Young Investigator Award at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting.  The Young Investigator Award (YIA) provides research funding to promising young physicians during the final years of training to support the transition to a faculty appointment and to encourage quality research in clinical oncology.

Four MSK Medical Oncologists Honored with the 2022 Conquer Cancer Career Development Award (CDA)

Adam J. Schoenfeld, MD, medical oncologist, Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD, medical oncologist, Steven Maron, MD, MSc, medical oncologist; and Angela Green, MD, MSc, medical oncologist

Adam J. Schoenfeld, MD, medical oncologist, Allison Betof Warner, MD, PhD, medical oncologist, Steven Maron, MD, MSc, medical oncologist; and Angela Green, MD, MSc, medical oncologist were presented the 2022 Conquer Cancer Career Development Award (CDA) at the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting. The Career Development Award (CDA) is a three-year grant that funds clinical investigators in the first to third year of faculty appointment to establish an independent clinical cancer research program.