As of February 1, 2025, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and our physician practice Memorial Medical Care, P.C., (together, “MSK”) is using Epic as its electronic health record system (“EHR”). With the use of Epic, MSK’s participation in electronic health information exchange is changing.
This notice describes how MSK participates in electronic health information exchange. It also outlines the choices you can make. If you already made a choice about health information exchange at MSK before February 1, 2025, MSK will continue to follow that choice. You can change your choice at any time.
MSK participates in health information exchange through Epic Care Everywhere, Carequality and Healthix (together, the “HIEs”). HIEs allows health care providers across organizations to securely access and share a patient’s medical information electronically. Exchanging health information through the HIEs has many benefits. It helps MSK and your other healthcare providers give you safer, faster, and more efficient care. The types of health information that are shared through the HIEs are described below. The HIEs and the choices you can make about how MSK accesses and shares your information are also described below.
Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality
Some non-MSK providers use the same electronic health record system as MSK. This system is called Epic. These providers may participate in Epic Care Everywhere. If your non-MSK providers do not use the same EHR system as MSK, they may participate in Carequality. If you give MSK permission, we can securely share your medical information with your non-MSK providers who participate in Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality. You can check which providers participate in Epic Care Everywhere on the Epic website at You can check which providers participate in Carequality on the Carequality website at
Your Choices
You can decide if you want MSK to share your information through Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality. Here is a summary of your choices:
Give Consent: If you give permission (consent) by signing the Epic Care Everywhere Consent, MSK can securely share your information through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality. When one of your participating non-MSK providers searches for your MSK records through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality, MSK will be allowed to securely share them. If you do not give us permission, MSK will not share your records through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality.
Do Nothing: If you do nothing, we will not share your information through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality. MSK will only share your information through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality if we have your consent described above. From time to time, we may ask you if you want to sign the Epic Care Everywhere Consent. This can happen when you check in for an appointment. If you want us to stop asking you, you can tell the staff person at check-in that you are refusing, and they will note this in our system.
Point of Care Consent: If you have not signed the Epic Care Everywhere Consent, you can still allow MSK to share your information with a specific non-MSK provider through Care Everywhere at the time of a visit with your non-MSK provider. This is only an option for non-MSK providers who use Epic as their EHR. This is called “Point of Care Consent”. For example, if you are at a visit with your non-MSK provider who uses Epic and they ask to see your MSK records through Epic Care Everywhere, you can sign an electronic Point of Care Consent form at that time. This will give MSK permission to share your records through Epic Care Everywhere with only that specific non-MSK provider.
Opt Out: If you do not want any non-MSK providers who participate in Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality to even be able to know that there are MSK records potentially available through the HIE, you can choose to “opt out”. If you opt out of Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality at MSK, your non-MSK providers will never be able to ask you for a Point of Care Consent. MSK will also never be able to search for any of your non-MSK records through Epic Care Everywhere or Carequality.
In addition to MSK’s participation in health information exchange through Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality, described above, MSK also participates in health information exchange through Healthix. Healthix works differently from Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality, as explained below.
New York State law requires MSK to participate in one of the regional HIEs connected to the Statewide Health Information Network of New York (SHIN-NY). Healthix is the regional HIE that MSK participates in. You can check the list of other healthcare organizations that participate in Healthix (“Healthix Participants”) on the Healthix website at Your records in Healthix may include information from providers connected to the SHIN-NY through other regional HIEs.
Your Choices
New York State law requires MSK to share your health information with Healthix, unless you tell us not to. New York State law lets you decide if MSK is allowed to access (see) information about you in Healthix. MSK will give you a consent form to make this choice. You can also decide which other Healthix Participants can see your information through Healthix by giving or denying consent to those Healthix Participants. Here is a summary of your Healthix choices:
Give Consent: If you give consent, MSK will be able to access (see) your health records from your other providers through Healthix. You can sign the Healthix Consent form during registration or when you are checking in for an appointment.
Deny Consent: If you deny consent, MSK will not be able to see your health records from your other providers through Healthix – even in a medical emergency. You can make this choice when you are presented with the Healthix consent form at Registration or when you are checking in for an appointment. You can deny consent for all Healthix Participants to access your information. To do this, visit Healthix’s website at or by call Healthix at 877-695-4749.
Deny Consent Except in a Medical Emergency: If you make this choice (“Deny Consent Except in a Medical Emergency”) MSK will only be able to see your health records through Healthix during a medical emergency. We cannot see that information as part of your regular care at MSK without your permission. You can make this choice when you are presented with the Healthix consent form at Registration or when you are checking in for an appointment.
Do Nothing: If you don’t make a choice about Healthix, MSK can only see your health records through Healthix during a medical emergency. We cannot see that information as part of your regular care at MSK without your permission.
Opt Out: Unless you tell us not to, MSK is required to share your health information with Healthix. If you do not want MSK to share your information with Healthix, you can “opt out.” This means MSK will not share notifications about your care. These include notifications about admissions, discharges, and transfers. If you opt out of MSK sharing your information with Healthix, MSK will also not be able to see any of your information in Healthix, even in a medical emergency. You can opt out by calling us at 646-227-2942 or emailing
Types of Information MSK Exchanges Through HIEs
Examples of information MSK may share through the HIEs include:
- Name, date of birth, gender identity and birth sex, and address.
- Past and future appointments.
- Doctor name.
- Institution name.
- Future MSK admissions, discharges, and transfer notifications to your other providers.
- Medical conditions.
- Medications.
- Allergies.
- Past surgeries and procedures.
- Results of surgeries, procedures, and other tests, including blood work, radiology, and Pathology.
- Visit notes written by your providers.
- Results of any genetic tests performed to identify a predisposition to (likelihood of having) an inherited genetic disease or disability. This is described in the Epic Care Everywhere and Healthix consent forms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Should I let MSK see my health records through both Healthix and Carequality?
Yes. MSK strongly recommends that you give your consent (permission) for us to see your health information through Healthix and to share your information through Epic Care Everywhere and Carequality. Your providers can give you better and faster care if you share your information through the HIEs.
When does MSK share information through health information exchanges (HIEs)?
MSK makes updates to clinical information through the HIEs every day. We make these updates:
- When patients are admitted to the Urgent Care Center (UCC) or to one of our hospital locations
- Right before or when patients are discharged from the Urgent Care Center (UCC) or inpatient services.
Who can I contact if I have questions or concerns?
To opt out or change your HIE choice, contact MSK’s Health Information Management Office at 646-227-2942 or
If you have questions about our privacy practices, contact MSK’s Privacy Office at 646-227-2056 or
If you have questions or concerns about your care, contact your care team. You can also contact an MSK patient representative at 212-639-7202 or