The annual Pharmacology Graduate Program Retreat is held each spring at a site outside of New York City and features talks by 3rd and 5th year graduate students and a poster session for other students and postdocs. The 2005 retreat was held on March 4-5 at the Harrison Conference Center & Hotel in Plainsboro, NJ. Shiying Shang presented a talk on her work on the diversity-oriented synthesis of polyketide libraries for use in chemical biology and drug discovery research.
Photos courtesy Prof. Lorraine Gudas

Ensar Halilovic (Rosen Lab) discusses his poster with Derek.

Ryan Van De Water and David Warren (Danishefsky Lab) enjoy a nice dinner with Chris DiBlasi, Dan Macks, Justin Cisar, and Justin Potuzak.

Justin Cisar tears up the dance floor as Chris DiBlasi, Jeanne Farrell (Levin/Buck Lab), Sue Ellen Touma (Gudas Lab), and Lisa Placanica (Li Lab) enjoy the show!