医疗信息与《21 世纪治愈法案》


本信息回答了有关 MSK 患者门户网站 MyMSK 上显示的不同类型备注和检查结果的常见问题。

作为 Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) 的患者,您现在可以查看过去无法查看的医疗信息。 还可以比过去更快看到检查和医学扫描的结果。

由于颁布了一项名为《21 世纪治愈法案》(21st Century Cures Act) 的法律,患者可以通过更多数字化手段获取自己的健康信息。 MSK 和全国各地的其他医疗中心必须在 2022 年 10 月 6 日之前遵守这项法律。

下面将详细介绍如何查看和理解 MyMSK 中的医疗信息。

关于在 MyMSK 中查看备注的常见问题

The notes your healthcare provider writes after a visit may be available in MyMSK, our patient portal. They can include information about your exam, medications, test results, and the next steps in your care. Reading them can help you remember the details of your visit and feel more in control of your health. The notes from your visit are part of your medical record.

When can I see my notes?

Beginning October 3, 2022, you will be able to see notes from visits with your healthcare provider in MyMSK as soon as they are available in our computer system. This can take up to a few weeks. Notes from some earlier visits are already available: 

  • Many outpatient visits that took place after August 24, 2021.
  • Gynecology Surgery and Gynecologic Medical Oncology visits that took place after September 14, 2020.
  • Survivorship Program visits that took place after December 1, 2019.

How do I sign up for alerts about visit notes?

If you signed up to get email alerts about new lab results, you’ll get one when a new visit note is in MyMSK. If you would like to get emails when you have visit notes and lab results, follow these steps:

  1. Select the circle that has your initials in it on the top right of the MyMSK page.
  2. Select Profile.
  3. Select Settings.
  4. Select Notifications.
  5. Look for Account Activity. On the right, you’ll see a + sign
  6. Select +
  7. Select Send Daily in the column next to “New lab results and visit notes available.” 

Where can I find my notes?

You can read visit notes in MyMSK by following these steps:

  1. On the blue banner at the top of the MyMSK page, select Medical Info.
  2. Select Medical Documents.
  3. You will see the notes listed as Visit Notes.

If you have trouble finding your notes, please call the MyMSK Help Desk toll free at 800-248-0593 or at 646-227-2593. They’re available Monday through Friday between and (Eastern time).

Who can see my notes?

You and anyone with access to your MyMSK account can see these notes. Family and friends who are an important part of your care can view your MyMSK account if you give them your permission. Remember, when you give someone this proxy access, they can see all of your medical records in MyMSK. This includes your visit notes, as well as records about your treatment, test results, and diagnostic information. They can see your billing information, but they can’t see your consent, insurance, and registration forms.

You can view and update who has access to your account by following these steps:

  1. Select the circle that has your initials in it on the top right of the MyMSK page.
  2. Select Profile.
  3. Select Account Access.
  4. Follow the directions for viewing or changing account access.

How can I share my notes?

You can share your notes and send them to anyone you want to see them. This includes your healthcare providers outside of MSK, your caregiver, and friends and family who support you in your care. Share your notes by downloading them to your computer, or through the MyMSK mobile app.

When is it helpful to read my notes?

  • After your visit, to make sure you understood what you and your healthcare provider discussed.
  • Between appointments, so you can review your healthcare provider’s instructions.
  • Before your next visit, to help you remember what happened at the last visit. This also may help you think of new information to share with your healthcare provider, and new questions to ask.

What if I don’t understand my note?

You may not understand everything in your healthcare provider’s note. The names of some visit notes may look a bit hard to read and understand because they’re from your electronic health record. Also, healthcare providers use medical words to explain your health to other members of your care team. It’s common for patients not to know the meaning of some words. You can find definitions on websites such as the National Cancer Institute and WebMD. You can also use “Messages” in MyMSK to ask your healthcare provider about the note. Usually you will get their answer in 2 business days (Monday through Friday).

What if I see a mistake in my note?

If you think your note is wrong or incomplete, contact the healthcare provider who wrote it by using “Messages” in MyMSK. Your care team will take a look and get back to you. Usually you’ll get their answer in 2 business days (Monday through Friday). They may message you if they need more information from you, or more time to review the possible mistake. If there’s an error throughout your medical record, you will need to fill out a form called a Patient Request for Amendment of Records. Your care team will tell you if you need to complete the form and will send it to you.

The end of my note has “time spent” and “non face-to-face activities.” What does that mean?

This is information MSK uses to describe your visit. “Time spent” means the time your healthcare provider spent on this visit. It can include time your provider spent reviewing records before the visit, documentation, and activities after the visit. It does not mean how long your visit lasted, or how long your provider spent with you during your visit. You also may see information about the “visit level.” This describes how complex your visit was. You also may see other information, such as diagnosis codes, and whether this was a telemedicine visit.

What if I want to see all my notes?

Seeing your visit notes in MyMSK is different from seeing all of your medical records. You can ask us for a copy of your medical records by following these steps:

  1. On the blue banner at the top of the MyMSK page, select Medical Info.
  2. On the bottom right of the page, select Ask for Your Medical Records.
  3. Follow the instructions.

If you ask us for your medical records using this method, you will not see them here in MyMSK. If you have questions, please contact our Release of Information department by phone at 646-227-2089 or email [email protected].

关于在 MyMSK 中查看放射检查结果的常见问题

本信息回答了一些关于查看放射检查结果的常见问题。 这类检查结果被称为放射学报告。


放射检查结果,又称为成像检查结果(如 PET、MRI 和 CT 扫描),一经录入我们的计算机系统,即可在 MyMSK(MSK 旗下的患者门户网站)中查看。 这意味着您可能会在医疗保健提供者审核或与您讨论之前看到这些结果。


您可以使用应用程序或网页浏览器(台式机或移动设备)在 MyMSK 中查看结果报告:

  • 如果您使用的是 MyMSK 移动应用程序,请选择“医疗信息”。 然后选择“检查结果”。
  • 如果您使用的是网页浏览器,请选择屏幕顶部蓝色横幅上的“医疗信息”。 然后选择“检查结果和报告”。

如果您在查找检查报告时遇到困难,请拨打 MyMSK 服务台免费电话 800-248-0593646-227-2593。 工作时间为周一至周五上午 9 点至下午 5 点(美国东部时间)。


您可以使用 MyMSK 打印或保存放射检查结果。

  • 如果使用电脑:
    1. 在网络浏览器中打开 MyMSK。
    2. 单击蓝色横幅上的“医疗信息”。
    3. 单击“索取医疗记录”。
  • 如果使用智能手机或平板电脑上的 MyMSK 应用程序:
    1. 打开 MyMSK 应用程序。
    2. 点击屏幕底部的“医疗信息”。
    3. 点击屏幕右上角的“导出”。 您可以下载化验和检查结果,包括放射学报告。
如果您没有 MyMSK 帐户,可以前往 my.mskcc.org 进行注册。 您可以通过致电 646-227-2593 或您的医生办公室获得注册 ID。

如果您选择不注册 MyMSK,您可以联系我们的信息发布部门获取放射学报告副本。 您可以发送电子邮件至 [email protected] 或致电 646-227-2089

如何将我的放射图像发送给 MSK 以外的医疗保健提供者?

医疗保健提供者可通过填写我们的放射图像申请表来索取图像。 这被称为“持续性护理请求”。 不收取任何费用。

您也可以使用 MyMSK 要求我们将放射图像发送给 MSK 以外的医疗保健提供者。

  • 如果使用电脑:
    1. 在网络浏览器中打开 MyMSK。
    2. 单击蓝色横幅上的“消息”。
    3. 单击“撰写新消息”。
    4. 单击“索取放射检查副本”。
  • 如果使用智能手机或平板电脑上的 MyMSK 应用程序:
    1. 打开 MyMSK 应用程序。
    2. 点击屏幕底端的“消息”图标。
    3. 点击屏幕右上方的“新建”。
    4. 点击“想要发送有关其他主题的消息”。
    5. 点击“索取放射检查副本”。

如果您选择不注册 MyMSK,可以填写“信息发布表”,要求我们将放射图像发送给 MSK 以外的医疗保健提供者。 打印并签署表格,然后传真至 646-227-3545


您可以使用 MyMSK 索取放射图像的个人副本。 步骤与要求我们将图像发送给 MSK 以外的医疗保健提供者的步骤相同。

如果您选择不注册 MyMSK,可以填写信息发布表以索取放射图像的个人副本。 打印并签署表格,然后传真至 646-227-3545

我们可以通过电子版或 CD 的形式将放射图像传送给您。 制作个人放射图像 CD 将收取费用。 如果您亲自前往 MSK 领取 CD,每张 CD 收费 20 美元。 如果由我们将 CD 邮寄给您,每张 CD 收费 28 美元。


放射科医生是指专门从事医学影像的医生。 放射科医生负责查看您的扫描图像,并向您的医生撰写一份报告。 首先,他们可能会审查您的病历。 这可以让他们进一步了解您的健康状况和曾经接受过的治疗。 如果您的 MSK 病历中还有其他扫描,放射科医生将进行比较,以查看变化。 报告中将包含放射科医生的检查结果(观察结果)。


放射科医生会使用医学术语向医疗团队的其他成员解释您的健康状况。 对大多数人而言,不了解一些词的意思是很常见的情况。 您可以在下方查看相关定义,也可以在 www.radiologyinfo.org 等网站上查看。

请勿尝试自行理解检查结果。 相反,请咨询您的医生。 他们可以根据您的病史、体检、实验室检查和以往的放射检查来帮助您理解报告。


伪影在扫描中出现的某些物体,会增加放射科医生解读图像的难度。 伪影可能由多种因素引起,例如您身上的金属,或者您在扫描过程中的移动等。
不确定性这一检查结果常见于一些健康状况。 无法仅通过成像检查来做出诊断。
感染性/炎症性扫描中出现的可能由感染或炎症(肿胀)引起的东西。 肿胀可能来自药物反应或免疫反应。
病变看起来异常的区域。 病变可能为良性(非癌性)或恶性(癌性)。
参考范围检测结果通常以数字形式报告。 为了方便理解,我们将这类数字与大多数人的正常数值进行比较。 “参考范围”可告知您哪些数字通常是正常的。 将您的数字与参考范围进行比较,可以让您和您的医生知道是否存在问题。
肺不张肺的某些部分完全或部分塌陷。 发生这种情况通常是因为气囊放气(没有空气)。 肺不张非常常见。 如果没有完全呼吸,就会在图像中显示该种情况。 有时出现这种情况是因为肺部周围的空间中存在多余液体。 这称为胸腔积液。
肾脏或肝脏囊肿囊肿是一个充满液体或其他物质的囊袋。 囊肿很常见,通常为非癌性。 如果放射科医生对囊肿有所担忧,则您可能需要进行更多检查。
憩室(或多个憩室、憩室病)结肠(大肠)中最常见的向外膨出。 属于非癌性。
脂肪肝(又称肝脂肪变性)这是一种常见检查结果,表明肝脏中脂肪含量较高。 可能由肝脏疾病或其他疾病引起。
胰腺 IPMN即“导管内乳头状黏液性肿瘤”的缩写。 该肿瘤很常见,通常为非癌性。 在少数情况下,可能发展为癌症。 IPMN 通常需要接受随访影像检查。 这类检查可以查看病变是否随时间推移而生长或发生变化。
淋巴结大小淋巴结的正常大小取决于其位置。 淋巴结变大的原因有很多,如感染或肿瘤生长。 放射科医生将描述肿大(较大)淋巴结的大小。 医生会根据您所患的疾病来解释这些信息。
阴影肺部与正常肺部不同的部分。 可能为良性(非癌性)或恶性(癌性)。
生理性摄取(在 PET-CT 中)正常使用体内所有细胞生存所需的糖分。
SUV 和肝脏参考值(在 PET-CT 中)PET 扫描期间,将向您注射放射性物质。 标准摄取值 (SUV) 显示注射物质在身体某一部位的含量。 PET 扫描报告会记录这一测量值。
衰减显示 X 射线的能量被组织或体内其他物质吸收的程度。 有时用于描述管道的狭窄情况,例如输送血液的管道。
信号图像中每个点的亮度或暗度。 组织和其他物质会发出不同数量的信号。

报告中提到了微小的肺结节,或肾上腺结节状增厚。 这是什么意思?

放射科医生会使用术语来描述他们对患者体内图像的观察情况。 当某个器官出现通常不存在的物体时,我们可以将其描述为病变、小结、肿块、团块、增厚或结节(请参阅定义列表)。 这些检查结果并不具有特异性。 通常情况下,上述检查结果并不意味着罹患癌症。

例如,在肺部 CT 扫描中,约每 3 个人中有 2 个人会查出微小的良性(非癌性)结节。 这通常是过去感染留下的疤痕。 我们通常会在随访检查中对这类微小或非特异性病变进行监测。 一般情况下,良性病变不会生长。


放射设备可以显示人体内部的许多微小缺陷。 正如没有两个人拥有相同的外表一样,其内脏看起来也各不相同。 大多数情况下,微小病变非常小,放射科医生将其描述为“体积过小无法表征”。

这通常意味着不存在严重问题。 例如,很多都是良性(非癌性)囊肿。 我们通常会在随访检查中对其进行监测。 一般情况下,良性病变不会生长。

报告中提到我身体的某个部位可能有肿瘤,与检查时发现的部位不同。 为什么?

成像扫描可以显示出与所检测部位不同的异常(不正常的情况)。 在该部位您可能没有出现任何症状。 这些“偶然”(额外)的检查结果(观察结果)通常并不严重。

有时,它们可能意味着存在重大问题。 在引起症状之前发现问题非常有用。 因此,放射科医生会在报告中提及这些结果。 他们还会建议采取哪些措施。


每个人体内的排列构造都不会完全相同。 早在出生之前,我们的身体就会出现细微的差异。 这类差异通常是正常的,不会对您造成伤害。


每种放射扫描都能提供有关身体的某些特定信息。 由于每种扫描都会以不同的方式对人体进行成像,因此每项检查所提供的信息均有所不同。

另一种扫描可以提供不同于已接受检测的新信息。 此外,放射科医生可能会在某种扫描中观察到某些情况,但在另一种扫描中却并未出现。 您的医生将决定治疗的后续步骤。


许多扫描显示结果对您的健康并不重要。 我们通过重复检查来确定其重要性。 通常情况下,我们会要求您在几周或几个月后再做一次扫描。

第二次扫描可以告知我们病变是否生长或发生变化。 如果病变并未生长或发生变化,则其担忧程度会低于生长或变化的病变。 这类病变可能无需进行活检(从病变部位提取组织样本)等检查。

PET-CT 扫描与 CT 扫描有何不同?

CT 扫描使用 X 射线来详细观察身体内部。

PET-CT 扫描是一种使用注射药物进行辐射的成像程序。 我们使用 PET-CT 扫描来探查或检查癌症肿瘤的生长情况。 还用于检查组织和器官的健康状况。

PET-CT 扫描的 CT 部分主要用于帮助放射科医生解读 PET 扫描结果。 CT 扫描使用非常低剂量的 X 射线来拍摄图像。 这类 CT 图像不如常规 CT 扫描的图像清晰。 医生可能会要求进行另一种 CT 扫描以获取更多信息。

CT 或 PET-CT 扫描的辐射是否令人担忧?

扫描会使用极少量的辐射,供放射科医生查看您的身体内部。 辐射剂量将尽可能保持在最低水平,以便拍摄出放射科医生所需的图像。 您的医生要求您进行扫描,其原因是扫描的益处大于辐射造成的极小风险。 请访问 www.radiologyinfo.org/patient-safety,以了解有关辐射剂量的更多信息。

报告的“印象”部分没有提及检查结果部分的所有内容。 为什么?

放射扫描(如 CT 和 MRI 等)可以显示身体内部的数千项细节。 放射科医生接受过专业培训,能够从不同类型的扫描中识别出疾病的体征或健康状况。

在“检查结果”部分,放射科医生会写下开具检查单的医生可能感兴趣的观察结果。 在“印象”部分,他们对自己的检查结果进行总结。 他们会选择医生最重视的部分,以便他们可以做出治疗决定。

在随访扫描中,不同的放射科医生通常会重新测量病变的大小。 为什么同一个病变会产生不同的测量结果?

放射测量并非完美。 病变往往形状不均匀、边界模糊或位置不同。 我们预计测量结果会有细微差别。 这些差异通常不大,无需改变治疗方案。

为什么 MSK 的放射学报告与其他医疗保健提供者的报告看起来有所不同?

MSK 的报告与其他放射服务提供者的报告不同,后者通常有许多段落。 在 MSK,我们采用一种称为标准化报告的特殊格式。 MSK 进行的成像研究有 300 多种不同类型,每一种都有自己的格式。 其中显示了对治疗方案最重要的结果。 我们的报告更容易阅读和理解,且更具一致性。


每份 MSK 放射学报告底部均印有数字,称为标准化确定性词汇。 我们的放射科医生将估算您的确诊概率(几率)。 这些数字可以告诉您病变是否可能属于健康问题。 我们不会对乳腺扫描进行这类估计。

符合高于 90%
可疑/可能性较高约为 75%
可能约为 50%
可能性较低约为 25%
不太可能低于 10%
 © MSKCC 2012

如果您对放射检查结果有任何疑问,请联系您的 MSK 医疗保健提供者。

关于在 MyMSK 中查看基因检测结果的常见问题

This information will help you learn more about your genetic test results. It is not a cancer management plan. Talk with your healthcare provider before making any decisions about cancer screening or surgeries. They will help you make a cancer management plan based on your personal and family history of cancer and your genetic test results.

When can I see my results?

Your genetic test results will be available in MyMSK as soon as they’re in our computer system. This means you may see your results before your healthcare provider has seen them or discussed them with you. Your healthcare provider will be in touch with you after reviewing your test results.

Where can I find my results?

You can see your genetic test results in MyMSK using the app or the web browser (desktop or mobile device):

  • If you’re using the MyMSK mobile app, select Medical Info. Then select Test Results.
  • If you’re using your web browser, select Medical Info on the blue banner at the top of the screen. Then select Test Results and Reports.

If you have trouble finding your test results, call the MyMSK Help Desk toll free at 800-248-0593 or at 646-227-2593. They are available Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Eastern time).

What does a positive test result mean?

A positive test result means that a change in a gene (known as a mutation) was found. That mutation may help explain why a person was diagnosed with cancer. It may also explain why certain types of cancer exist in a family.

A mutation may also mean that there is an increased risk of developing certain types of cancer. The risks for cancer and the specific type of cancer may be different for different mutations. For some mutations, the risks of specific cancers may be high. For other mutations, the risks may be lower.

A person with a mutation may be offered special or more frequent cancer screening exams to try to find any cancers as early as possible. The exact exams will depend on the gene that is mutated. For some mutations, there are no clear guidelines about the best screening exams to use, or how often to have them.

A person with a mutation may also be offered certain types of surgeries. These surgeries may help reduce their risk of developing cancer. Your healthcare provider will discuss your cancer management recommendations with you.

If a person has a mutation, family members may also carry this same mutation. If they do, they may also have an increased risk for the types of cancer linked to that mutation.

An MSK genetic counselor can help identify who in the family is at risk of having the mutation, who should be tested, and when is the right time (age) for them to get tested.

What does a negative test result mean?

A negative test result means that no mutation was found. This can happen for several reasons. For example:

  • Your personal or family history of cancer could have happened by chance. Some types of cancer may occur in several people in a family without being caused by a genetic mutation.
  • There may be a genetic mutation in other members of your family, but you did not inherit it.
  • You could have a mutation in the gene(s) that was tested, but the mutation cannot be found by the current testing method. No one form of genetic testing can find all mutations in a gene.
  • You may have a mutation in a different gene. For example, you could carry either a mutation in a gene that has not yet been discovered or a very rare genetic mutation.

What does a variant of uncertain significance mean?

A variant of uncertain significance is a change in a gene that is not yet fully understood. We do not yet know if the change has any impact on your risk of developing cancer. Your healthcare provider will make cancer screening recommendations for you based on your family history. Future research may make it clearer whether or not a variant of uncertain significance leads to increased risks of cancer.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

If you have questions, call the MSK healthcare provider who ordered your genetic test.

关于在 MyMSK 中查看实验室检测结果的常见问题


星期一, 九月 12, 2022