Many important medical outcomes are best reported directly by patients. As such, Amplio provides software (known as STAR) and advice on obtaining patient-reported outcomes electronically as a routine part of clinical care. For example, in the case of radical prostatectomy patients, we email patients at home before their appointments and provide iPads in clinic for those without email access. They complete an interactive, online questionnaire about urinary and erectile function. This is converted into a report for their urologist to use in the follow-up visit. Compliance rates are very high because the urologist finds the report clinically useful, and patients like their doctors to know how they are doing.
In addition to providing software for patient-reported outcomes, members of the AMPLIO team have expertise in clinical implementation. We can provide advice to ensure that patient-reported outcomes are obtained on a high proportion of patients, without undue interference with routine care. Our team members visit clinics, observe workflow, and then work with clinic staff on best practices.
See screenshots from our patient-reported outcomes system below.
Email from doctor
Pads question
Interactive pads question
Report screenshot
This is a copy of the report that the doctor sees in clinic. As well as showing how symptoms change over time, the report shows expected and anticipated progress. This patient could have been told as early as six months after radical prostatectomy that he was unlikely to recover function and subsequently been referred to a sexual medicine clinic.