SK-UT-1B is a subline of the SK-UT-1 human uterine leiomyosarcoma cell line and grows in adherent culture. Although the SK-UT-1B cell line forms tumors when inoculated in immunocompromised mice, the resulting tumors are different from tumors produced by the parental SK-UT-1 cell line. This cell line displays relatively low chromosome instability, compared to other established cancer cell lines. SK-UT-1B maintains a near-diploid karyotype and is characterized by a very low percentage of polyploid cells. The SK-UT-1B cells have high levels of phosphorylated retinoblastoma protein, compared to the parental SK-UT-1 cells.
This is a subline of the SK-UT-1 cell line. The parental cell line was established in 1972 from a 75-year-old Caucasian female with a uterine mixed mesodermal tumor consistent with leiomyosarcoma grade III.
- Lloyd J. Old, MD, former William E. Snee Chair in Cancer Immunology, Memorial Sloan Kettering; former Director, New York Branch, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research
- Germaine Trempe, formerly at Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering
Key References
- Fogh J et al. (1977) One hundred and twenty-seven cultured human tumor cell lines producing tumors in nude mice. Journal of the National Cancer Institute 59: 221-226 (PubMed ID: 327080)
- Chen TR (1988) SK-UT-1B, a human tumorigenic diploid cell line. Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 33: 77-81 (PubMed ID: 3383166)
- Mao X et al. (2008) Subtle genomic alterations and genomic instability revealed in diploid cancer cell lines. Cancer Letters 267: 49-54 (PubMed ID: 18407410)
Licensing Information
This cell line may be licensed nonexclusively for research or commercial purposes.
- Express License: For internal research purposes by a for-profit entity: 1) Fill out MSK’s ATCC Express License, see here for links to the online fillable ATCC Express License, as well as a PDF version. 2) After execution by MSK, you will receive a signed copy, and can then place your order with ATCC. For detailed guidance on how to fill out this webform, see here. Please note: In order to streamline and expedite the licensing of select MSK cell lines, the terms of this non-exclusive license are non-negotiable. This license is only available for select cell lines, including this one. Once this license has been executed by MSK, you will receive a signed copy and payment instructions; all payments up to $10,000 must be made by credit card.
- Commercial License: Contact MSK’s Tangible Materials team at
- For non-licensing requests from academic-research institutions: Frances Weis-Garcia, PhD, Associate Laboratory Member/Head, Antibody & Bioresource Core Facility, MSK, 646-888-2354,